Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Final OSPS Blog!!!

Over a span of about four months, One Stop Prom Shop has been the main focus for all of our Business Education classes. And Sunday was the actual One Stop Prom Shop day, finally ending this four month long project.
The assembly that took place on Tuesday the 26th at our school to market this program to all of our peers. We had a morph suit dance (my group), game show, informational speeches, and tons of free things to hand out! My group, the morph suit team, was to provide the beginning entertainment to the show! We were all beyond nervous before we went on to perform the dance, hearing the crowd....we knew we had one shot to get this right. Overall the dance went great! The moment we started dancing our nerves vanished, we had a couple of mess ups but nothing that was too noticeable.
When Sunday rolled around, we all had had to be at the OSPS location at 10:30. The morph team had two dances to perform while we were there, one at 12:30 and 1:15. The entire OSPS event turned out great, I thought, because there were tons of venders, coupons, dances, fashion shows, free gifts and TONS of people showed up! This event was even featured on the news!
My personal thoughts on it, is that, I'm honestly happy and a little relieved that it's all over. Practicing the morph dance everyday...got a little old pretty fast. But also, in a sense, I miss it.